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DTrace Cheatsheet

05 Nov 2009

I originally posted this at

A while ago Jonathan Adams posted an mdb cheatsheet, summarizing the syntax and commands of the Solaris Modular Debugger. It's a pretty handy reference, and last week I used it as a handout when teaching a class that included both mdb and DTrace. Well, I have the mdb cheatsheet – what about a DTrace one?

Here is my DTrace cheatsheet, styled by Todd. This doesn't include all of DTrace – it includes what I use most frequently. As a reminder, I flicked through the DTraceToolkit to see what I frequently used in those scripts.

If you learn what everything does on that one page cheatsheet including the one-liners, you'll know a significant amount of DTrace. If something has been summarized too much on that cheatsheet, refer to the full DTrace Guide.